The physical environment can influence social behaviours and restore community within an urban area. Therefore, focusing on introducing interventions that will encourage social change and ease social divides is one of the main focuses of our development proposal.

Surrounding area is closed off and feels very impermeable and 'under construction'. According to residents it has felt like that for a long time.

Looking closer on the building makes one realise for how long it hasn't been in use.

Abundance of bushes and trash makes the area even more unattractive.

Surrounding area is closed off and feels very impermeable and 'under construction'. According to residents it has felt like that for a long time.
Currently, the site, surrounded by fences and untamed bushes, feels very unwelcoming. It is clearly separated from the rest of the area and gives limited access to pedestrians due to ongoing construction and inspections.
The North Woolwich Road located south of the site is an extremely busy and highway-like street that creates a physical divide between Britannia Village and Royal Wharf new development. Residents of Britannia Village feel unwelcome across the street and rarely use the services available there.
The slow process of regeneration of the Millennium Mills site has led the residents to lose their hope in gaining the services and space they desire.
However, in the past they expressed their need for:
A High Street with a range of services easily accessible to the residents of Britannia Village
A gym, a supermarket and a café
More education opportunities for the local youth
More green space
Training opportunities
Spaces to meet other residents, especially in times of the pandemic
Space in the new high-quality buildings can be used to provide training for the local community. It can be utilised by East London University as one of their campuses to provide a range of new classes or by any other educational facility. This will also create an opportunity for investment. People can organise workshops in the spaces available and share their knowledge on a wide range of subjects.
Re-establishing communities in times of climate change should be based on sustainable systems. The circular economy can not only ensure a greener future for a neighbourhood but can also help in fostering greater community bonds.
Allowing for residents to cooperate in reducing and recycling waste, giving them opportunities to deepen their knowledge about the environment and encouraging them to share and exchange household items, resources or even rides, can be very beneficial.
Improving the connection between neighbouring communities by introducing good design and other initiatives.
Safe and permeable connections between the developments
Improvement in lighting and safety
Art initiatives (e.g. painting the pavement to encourage people to visit from all directions - explained as part of tactical urbanism)
Improving maintenance and security in the area by providing training and job opportunities for local people in need of employment
Providing high-quality services and leisure opportunities that will encourage residents from neighbouring developments to visit and stay for a while, giving them opportunity to meet other locals